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“We had a tankless water heater put in a few months ago. First off, if you've never had one I highly recommend looking into making the change. I speak for everyone in our family when I saw we absolutely love ours. The gentleman we were working with, Steve, did a great job of bouncing ideas of my wife and me before we finally got comfortable with the mindset shift. Even though we love it, it didn't come without its fair share of headaches. We got the tankless installed and all seemed well, but that night we noticed that the device was constantly heating water, even when we weren't using it. It was right below my bedroom and caused me to have a sleepless night! This wasn't suppose to happen and not acceptable. The manufacturer (not Ponds but one of the manufacturers they use) had issued a faulty circuit board.
Steve would call days and weeks after we installed the water heater to see how it was going. He would call the manufacturer, he would advocate for me as the customer, and he would do it on his own time before/after his work hours. He insisted that until we were perfectly happy, he wasn't going away. And true to his word, he stayed in touch with me until we were FULLY satisfied. Yes, I'm finally satisfied with the product – we got the circuit board replaced after some strong-arming the manufacturer from Steve. But I am thrilled with the commitment to quality and satisfaction Steve brought to the table. Steve personified everything good about Pond's.” – Brian E.
– Brian E.